<Python, pandas> 日経平均を読み込む。


pandas-datareader — pandas-datareader 0.1 documentation


 % conda install pandas-datareader
Fetching package metadata .........
Solving package specifications: ..........

Package plan for installation in environment C:\Anaconda3:

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    requests-file-1.4.1        |           py35_0           6 KB
    pandas-datareader-0.2.1    |           py35_0          49 KB
                                           Total:          55 KB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    pandas-datareader: 0.2.1-py35_0
    requests-file:     1.4.1-py35_0

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Fetching packages ...
requests-file- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 829.29 kB/s
pandas-datarea 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00   1.85 MB/s
Extracting packages ...
[      COMPLETE      ]|##################################################| 100%
Linking packages ...
[      COMPLETE      ]|##################################################| 100%


In [1]: import pandas_datareader.data as web

In [2]: import datetime

In [3]: s = datetime.datetime(2010,1,1)

In [4]: e = datetime.datetime(2013,1,1)

In [5]: web.DataReader('F', 'yahoo', s, e)
             Open   High    Low  Close     Volume  Adj Close
2010-01-04  10.17  10.28  10.05  10.28   60855800   8.554412
2010-01-05  10.45  11.24  10.40  10.96  215620200   9.120268
2010-01-06  11.21  11.46  11.13  11.37  200070600   9.461446
2010-01-07  11.46  11.69  11.32  11.66  130201700   9.702767
2010-01-08  11.67  11.74  11.46  11.69  130463000   9.727731
2010-01-11  11.90  12.14  11.78  12.11  170626200  10.077230
2010-01-12  11.98  12.03  11.72  11.87  162995900   9.877516
2010-01-13  11.91  11.93  11.47  11.68  154527100   9.719410
2010-01-14  11.65  11.86  11.51  11.76  116531200   9.785981
2010-01-15  11.74  11.76  11.55  11.60   96149800   9.652838
2010-01-19  11.51  11.83  11.46  11.75   65934000   9.777659
2010-01-20  11.68  11.69  11.50  11.51   71649500   9.577946
2010-01-21  11.53  11.62  11.01  11.18  121451400   9.303339
2010-01-22  11.01  11.12  10.41  10.52  161530100   8.754126
2010-01-25  10.73  11.10  10.61  11.03  121621500   9.178517
2010-01-26  11.17  11.46  11.07  11.19  108250500   9.311660
2010-01-27  11.57  11.62  11.22  11.55  105091600   9.611231
2010-01-28  11.90  11.95  11.27  11.41  203320000   9.494731
2010-01-29  11.60  11.61  10.70  10.84  159741200   9.020411
2010-02-01  11.14  11.18  10.93  11.12   82748200   9.253410
2010-02-02  11.26  11.52  11.19  11.39  119714900   9.478089
2010-02-03  11.49  11.66  11.42  11.64   90125500   9.686124
2010-02-04  11.49  11.53  11.00  11.06  129792200   9.203482
2010-02-05  10.97  11.11  10.49  10.91  181535200   9.078661
2010-02-08  11.09  11.32  10.88  10.97   92031400   9.128589
2010-02-09  11.18  11.22  11.02  11.15   83207100   9.278374
2010-02-10  11.12  11.14  10.90  10.94   73395600   9.103625
2010-02-11  11.00  11.19  10.88  11.18   65116200   9.303339
2010-02-12  10.92  11.18  10.85  11.12   69465400   9.253410
2010-02-16  11.21  11.38  11.11  11.32   62537500   9.419838
...           ...    ...    ...    ...        ...        ...
2012-11-16  10.58  10.64  10.38  10.50   45346200   8.900635
2012-11-19  10.65  10.90  10.65  10.83   39359100   9.180370
2012-11-20  10.85  11.02  10.76  10.85   34739800   9.197323
2012-11-21  10.84  11.00  10.80  10.92   21181700   9.256661
2012-11-23  10.98  11.10  10.96  11.10   16032200   9.409243
2012-11-26  11.05  11.14  10.97  11.11   26831700   9.417720
2012-11-27  11.10  11.27  11.10  11.10   37610000   9.409243
2012-11-28  11.05  11.26  10.98  11.25   38496900   9.536395
2012-11-29  11.32  11.53  11.32  11.53   57289300   9.773745
2012-11-30  11.52  11.60  11.33  11.45   41329600   9.705931
2012-12-03  11.56  11.70  11.40  11.41   47746300   9.672024
2012-12-04  11.40  11.44  11.23  11.31   37760200   9.587256
2012-12-05  11.32  11.40  11.18  11.31   33152400   9.587256
2012-12-06  11.26  11.31  11.19  11.24   31065800   9.527918
2012-12-07  11.27  11.50  11.26  11.48   38404500   9.731361
2012-12-10  11.41  11.53  11.41  11.47   26025200   9.722885
2012-12-11  11.51  11.58  11.40  11.49   36326900   9.739838
2012-12-12  11.52  11.56  11.43  11.47   31099900   9.722885
2012-12-13  11.46  11.50  11.21  11.27   35443200   9.553349
2012-12-14  11.27  11.27  11.03  11.10   36933500   9.409243
2012-12-17  11.16  11.41  11.14  11.39   46983300   9.655070
2012-12-18  11.48  11.68  11.40  11.67   61810400   9.892420
2012-12-19  11.79  11.85  11.62  11.73   54884700   9.943281
2012-12-20  11.74  11.80  11.58  11.77   47750100   9.977189
2012-12-21  11.55  11.86  11.47  11.86   94489300  10.053479
2012-12-24  11.67  12.40  11.67  12.40   91734900  10.511226
2012-12-26  12.31  12.79  12.31  12.79  140331900  10.841821
2012-12-27  12.79  12.81  12.36  12.76  108315100  10.816391
2012-12-28  12.55  12.88  12.52  12.87   95668600  10.909636
2012-12-31  12.88  13.08  12.76  12.95  106908900  10.977450

[754 rows x 6 columns]


In [9]: from pandas_datareader.data import get_data_yahoo

In [11]: get_data_yahoo(symbols='^N225', start=s)
                    Open          High           Low         Close  Volume  \
2010-01-04  10609.339844  10694.490234  10608.139648  10654.790039  104400   
2010-01-05  10719.440430  10791.040039  10655.570312  10681.830078  166200   
2010-01-06  10709.549805  10768.610352  10661.169922  10731.450195  181800   
2010-01-07  10742.750000  10774.000000  10636.669922  10681.660156  182600   
2010-01-08  10743.299805  10816.450195  10677.559570  10798.320312  211800   
2010-01-12  10770.349609  10905.389648  10763.679688  10879.139648  192800   
2010-01-13  10795.480469  10866.620117  10729.860352  10735.030273  250000   
2010-01-14  10778.070312  10909.940430  10774.250000  10907.679688  267400   
2010-01-15  10917.410156  10982.099609  10878.830078  10982.099609  253000   
2010-01-18  10887.610352  10895.099609  10781.030273  10855.080078  186600   
2010-01-19  10866.830078  10866.830078  10749.469727  10764.900391  174600   
2010-01-20  10834.910156  10860.929688  10724.570312  10737.519531  146400   
2010-01-21  10704.790039  10886.639648  10649.839844  10868.410156  176800   
2010-01-22  10740.209961  10768.070312  10528.330078  10590.549805  187400   
2010-01-25  10478.309570  10557.639648  10414.580078  10512.690430  139800   
2010-01-26  10506.150391  10566.490234  10324.980469  10325.280273  175400   
2010-01-27  10344.070312  10373.820312  10252.080078  10252.080078  139400   
2010-01-28  10309.730469  10462.700195  10296.980469  10414.290039  168000   
2010-01-29  10308.049805  10324.370117  10198.040039  10198.040039  156800   
2010-02-01  10212.360352  10224.830078  10129.910156  10205.019531  162000   
2010-02-02  10310.980469  10396.480469  10287.740234  10371.089844  142000   
2010-02-03  10428.120117  10436.519531  10356.030273  10404.330078  154200   
2010-02-04  10434.519531  10438.410156  10279.570312  10355.980469  164600   
2010-02-05  10162.339844  10166.299805  10036.330078  10057.089844  172000   
2010-02-08  10007.469727  10063.530273   9942.049805   9951.820312  137400   
2010-02-09   9876.610352   9956.790039   9867.389648   9932.900391  135000   
2010-02-10  10024.259766  10049.870117   9963.990234   9963.990234  127000   
2010-02-12  10085.349609  10099.459961  10014.500000  10092.190430  136000   
2010-02-15  10097.820312  10119.469727  10012.530273  10013.299805   97400   
2010-02-16  10044.530273  10062.269531  10019.429688  10034.250000   87000   
...                  ...           ...           ...           ...     ...   
2016-11-10  16562.859375  17393.820312   1560.660034  17344.419922  222500   
2016-11-11  17526.609375  17621.730469  17333.490234  17374.789062  241800   
2016-11-14  17467.490234  17697.330078  17455.779297  17672.619141       0   
2016-11-15  17668.150391  17668.150391  17668.150391  17668.150391       0   
2016-11-16  17832.509766  17886.439453  17807.470703  17862.210938  194300   
2016-11-17  17766.609375  17884.060547  17764.080078  17862.630859       0   
2016-11-18  18024.210938  18043.720703  17967.410156  17967.410156  161800   
2016-11-21  18038.089844  18129.029297  18007.789062  18106.019531       0   
2016-11-22  18091.050781  18175.630859  18050.550781  18162.939453  118200   
2016-11-24  18329.779297  18382.720703  18310.310547  18333.410156  144900   
2016-11-25  18387.589844  18482.939453  18288.500000  18381.220703  160000   
2016-11-28  18302.580078  18374.929688  18222.820312  18356.890625       0   
2016-11-29  18263.630859  18327.509766  18258.820312  18307.039062  121800   
2016-11-30  18356.029297  18370.310547  18280.660156  18308.480469       0   
2016-12-01  18535.240234  18746.279297  18469.269531  18513.119141  182400   
2016-12-02  18435.550781  18469.679688  18315.380859  18426.080078  191300   
2016-12-05  18349.919922  18365.740234  18227.390625  18274.990234  130500   
2016-12-06  18457.199219  18484.800781  18318.990234  18360.539062  154000   
2016-12-07  18434.539062  18502.470703  18410.880859  18496.689453  151700   
2016-12-08  18674.189453  18765.470703  18614.009766  18765.470703       0   
2016-12-09  18839.980469  19042.480469  18821.410156  18996.369141  212300   
2016-12-12  19183.820312  19280.929688  19054.000000  19155.029297       0   
2016-12-13  19120.759766  19253.509766  19060.720703  19250.519531       0   
2016-12-14  19270.009766  19284.279297  19184.750000  19253.609375       0   
2016-12-15  19327.699219  19436.900391  19192.599609  19273.789062       0   
2016-12-16  19438.390625  19439.970703  19360.359375  19401.150391  148700   
2016-12-19  19345.839844  19399.259766  19307.140625  19391.599609  106000   
2016-12-20  19367.839844  19511.199219  19356.810547  19494.529297  119600   
2016-12-21  19547.279297  19592.900391  19375.189453  19444.490234       0   
2016-12-22  19396.849609  19427.669922  19327.509766  19427.669922  113500   

               Adj Close  
2010-01-04  10654.790039  
2010-01-05  10681.830078  
2010-01-06  10731.450195  
2010-01-07  10681.660156  
2010-01-08  10798.320312  
2010-01-12  10879.139648  
2010-01-13  10735.030273  
2010-01-14  10907.679688  
2010-01-15  10982.099609  
2010-01-18  10855.080078  
2010-01-19  10764.900391  
2010-01-20  10737.519531  
2010-01-21  10868.410156  
2010-01-22  10590.549805  
2010-01-25  10512.690430  
2010-01-26  10325.280273  
2010-01-27  10252.080078  
2010-01-28  10414.290039  
2010-01-29  10198.040039  
2010-02-01  10205.019531  
2010-02-02  10371.089844  
2010-02-03  10404.330078  
2010-02-04  10355.980469  
2010-02-05  10057.089844  
2010-02-08   9951.820312  
2010-02-09   9932.900391  
2010-02-10   9963.990234  
2010-02-12  10092.190430  
2010-02-15  10013.299805  
2010-02-16  10034.250000  
...                  ...  
2016-11-10  17344.419922  
2016-11-11  17374.789062  
2016-11-14  17672.619141  
2016-11-15  17668.150391  
2016-11-16  17862.210938  
2016-11-17  17862.630859  
2016-11-18  17967.410156  
2016-11-21  18106.019531  
2016-11-22  18162.939453  
2016-11-24  18333.410156  
2016-11-25  18381.220703  
2016-11-28  18356.890625  
2016-11-29  18307.039062  
2016-11-30  18308.480469  
2016-12-01  18513.119141  
2016-12-02  18426.080078  
2016-12-05  18274.990234  
2016-12-06  18360.539062  
2016-12-07  18496.689453  
2016-12-08  18765.470703  
2016-12-09  18996.369141  
2016-12-12  19155.029297  
2016-12-13  19250.519531  
2016-12-14  19253.609375  
2016-12-15  19273.789062  
2016-12-16  19401.150391  
2016-12-19  19391.599609  
2016-12-20  19494.529297  
2016-12-21  19444.490234  
2016-12-22  19427.669922  

[1726 rows x 6 columns]


In [12]: df = get_data_yahoo(symbols='^N225', start=s)

In [16]: df['Close'].plot()
Out[16]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x270c6670358>

In [17]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [18]: plt.show()



<Flask, Python> リクエストコンテキストで遊ぶ。

リクエストコンテキストrequest contextで遊ぶ。


withrequest context状態にする。

In [1]: from flask import request, Flask

In [2]: app = Flask('aaa')

In [3]: with app.test_request_context('/hello', method='POST'):
   ...:     print(request.path)



In [9]: ctx = app.test_request_context('/hello', method='POST')

In [10]: ctx.push()

In [11]: request.url
Out[11]: 'http://localhost/hello'

In [12]: type(ctx)
Out[12]: flask.ctx.RequestContext

In [13]: dir(ctx)

In [14]: type(request)
Out[14]: werkzeug.local.LocalProxy

In [15]: dir(request)




<Python, gspread> 読み書き。



In [4]: import os

In [6]: import json

In [7]: import gspread

In [8]: from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

In [9]: scope = ['https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds']
   ...: doc_id = 'hogehogehoge'
   ...: path = os.path.expanduser('./hogehoge.json')
   ...: credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(path, scope)
   ...: client = gspread.authorize(credentials)

In [10]: gc = client.open_by_key(doc_id)

In [11]: wb = gc.open('sheet1')

AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-e8624d9591e8> in <module>()
----> 1 wb = gc.open('sheet1')

AttributeError: 'Spreadsheet' object has no attribute 'open'


In [12]: dir(gc)


In [13]: sh = gc.worksheet('sheet1')

In [14]: dir(sh)

In [15]: sh.title
Out[15]: 'sheet1'


In [26]: sh.get_all_values()
Out[26]: [['1', 'a', 'b', 'c'], ['2', 'd', 'e', 'f'], ['3', 'g', 'h', 'i']]


In [27]: sh.range('A1:C1')
Out[27]: [<Cell R1C1 '1'>, <Cell R1C2 'a'>, <Cell R1C3 'b'>]

In [28]: sh.cell(1,1).value
Out[28]: '1'


In [29]: sh.update_cell(4,1, 'hage')

In [30]: sh.get_all_values()
[['1', 'a', 'b', 'c'],
 ['2', 'd', 'e', 'f'],
 ['3', 'g', 'h', 'i'],
 ['hage', '', '', '']]


