<Python, selenium> 空白のあるクラス名を選択するには、、

Seleniumで、空白のあるクラス名を選択するには、、、 how to select the class name having a blank in it?


In [133]: from selenium import webdriver

In [144]: d = webdriver.Chrome()

In [145]: d.get('http://nekoyukimmm.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/04/27/164336')

In [146]: d.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="box2-inner"]/div[3]')
Out[146]: <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="a489f57900d9be9af6a6356176a89bd9", element="0.23540204403336795-1")>

In [148]: d.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="box2-inner"]/div[3]').text
Out[148]: 'カテゴリー\nselenium (2) Python (305) sentdex (2) pandas (86) Office2016 (1) numpy (7) pyplot (4) Javascript (15) jQuery (11) JSFiddle (3) flask (26) Vim (62) gspread (2) requests (2) Json (7) Google Cloud Platform (4) dos (5) conda (7) Github (11) msys2 (21) Anaconda (5) handsontable (1) Bootstrap (1) Google App Engine (5) Windows (24) matplotlib (27) seaborn (12) ATOM (5) datetime (2) SQLite (7) peewee (2) Apache (1) Beautiful Soup (7) Visual Studio (1) Linux (29) ftp (1) Werkzeug (1) html (11) tqdm (1) Unix Command (2) ssh (2) zsh (10) iPython (22) pacman (4) Cheatsheet (5) css (5) regexp (8) jinja (2) highcharts (8) socket (2) mermaid (2) Markdown (7) CDN (1) Bash (20) Network (2) Outlook (3) Pygments (1) Web (1) tmux (2) pip (5) Solarized (4) KDE (1) mintty (2) Putty (1) Go (2) peco (2) dotfiles (1) Jupyter (5) VBA (5) Excel (7) Surfingkeys (2) NeoBundle (2) SystemVerilog (1) x240 (4) MinGW+mintty (8) Sphinx (2) X (2) japandas (1) urllib (2) readability-lxml (2) html2text (1) Chrome (2) plotly (4) statistics (1) Office2013 (4) cron (1) bokeh (1) pptx (4) PIL (2) pdb (1) docopt (1) cgi (1) Jedi (4) XML (1) mpld3 (2) tput (1) iconv (1) mutt (1) Vundle (1) sed (1) Gow (2) ggplot (1) Perl (3)'


In [155]: d.find_element_by_class_name('hatena-module hatena-module-category')
InvalidSelectorException                  Traceback (most recent call last)

その場合は、find_element_by_xpathで、div[@class='hage hage']とするらしい。

In [157]: d.find_element_by_xpath('//div[@class="hatena-module hatena-module-category"]')
Out[157]: <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="a489f57900d9be9af6a6356176a89bd9", element="0.23540204403336795-1")>

In [158]: d.find_element_by_xpath('//div[@class="hatena-module hatena-module-category"]').text
Out[158]: 'カテゴリー\nselenium (2) Python (305) sentdex (2) pandas (86) Office2016 (1) numpy (7) pyplot (4) Javascript (15) jQuery (11) JSFiddle (3) flask (26) Vim (62) gspread (2) requests (2) Json (7) Google Cloud Platform (4) dos (5) conda (7) Github (11) msys2 (21) Anaconda (5) handsontable (1) Bootstrap (1) Google App Engine (5) Windows (24) matplotlib (27) seaborn (12) ATOM (5) datetime (2) SQLite (7) peewee (2) Apache (1) Beautiful Soup (7) Visual Studio (1) Linux (29) ftp (1) Werkzeug (1) html (11) tqdm (1) Unix Command (2) ssh (2) zsh (10) iPython (22) pacman (4) Cheatsheet (5) css (5) regexp (8) jinja (2) highcharts (8) socket (2) mermaid (2) Markdown (7) CDN (1) Bash (20) Network (2) Outlook (3) Pygments (1) Web (1) tmux (2) pip (5) Solarized (4) KDE (1) mintty (2) Putty (1) Go (2) peco (2) dotfiles (1) Jupyter (5) VBA (5) Excel (7) Surfingkeys (2) NeoBundle (2) SystemVerilog (1) x240 (4) MinGW+mintty (8) Sphinx (2) X (2) japandas (1) urllib (2) readability-lxml (2) html2text (1) Chrome (2) plotly (4) statistics (1) Office2013 (4) cron (1) bokeh (1) pptx (4) PIL (2) pdb (1) docopt (1) cgi (1) Jedi (4) XML (1) mpld3 (2) tput (1) iconv (1) mutt (1) Vundle (1) sed (1) Gow (2) ggplot (1) Perl (3)'




<Python, selenium> Chromeを動かしてみた。


>pip install selenium





In [1]: from selenium import webdriver

In [6]: d = webdriver.Chrome()

In [7]: d.get('http://www.yahoo.co.jp')

In [9]: d.quit()


Selenium - Web Browser Automation

<Python, pandas, sentdex> resample

目的とするDataFrameから、値を抜き取りする、リサンプリング resample をしてみた。

In [20]: import datetime as dt

In [21]: import pandas as pd

In [22]: import pandas_datareader.data as web

In [23]: s = dt.datetime(2000,1,1)

In [24]: e = dt.datetime(2016,12,31)

In [30]: df = web.DataReader('TXN', 'yahoo', s, e)

In [31]: df.resample('M').mean().head()
                  Open        High         Low       Close    Volume  \
2000-01-31  105.481250  107.803125  102.500000  105.242965   9585750   
2000-02-29  138.125000  143.434375  135.156250  140.340625  10091150   
2000-03-31  172.709239  177.774457  165.434783  171.730978  11085226   
2000-04-30  150.115132  156.256579  144.059211  150.125000  12271800   
2000-05-31  126.215909  128.931818  121.397727  124.840909   8540727   

            Adj Close  
2000-01-31  41.146986  
2000-02-29  54.886878  
2000-03-31  67.163569  
2000-04-30  58.715439  
2000-05-31  56.198717  

In [32]: df['Adj Close'].resample('M').mean().head()
2000-01-31    41.146986
2000-02-29    54.886878
2000-03-31    67.163569
2000-04-30    58.715439
2000-05-31    56.198717
Freq: M, Name: Adj Close, dtype: float64

In [33]: df['Adj Close'].resample('M').ohlc().head()
                 open       high        low      close
2000-01-31  40.218784  44.519213  36.553646  42.140764
2000-02-29  44.242913  64.971085  44.242913  64.971085
2000-03-31  64.286664  73.379683  57.491344  62.575612
2000-04-30  58.957959  65.117746  54.362563  63.718405
2000-05-31  62.593675  62.593675  50.074940  56.529912




pandas.DataFrame.resample — pandas 0.19.2 documentation

アンカー Anchor の表。

<pandas, Python, sentdex> Python Programming for Finance



In [1]: import datetime as dt

In [2]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [3]: from matplotlib import style

In [4]: import pandas as pd

In [5]: import pandas_datareader.data as web

In [6]: style.use('ggplot')

In [7]: s = dt.datetime(2000,1,1)

In [8]: e = dt.datetime(2016,12,31)

In [9]: df = web.DataReader('TSLA', 'yahoo', s, e)

In [10]: df.head()
                 Open   High        Low      Close    Volume  Adj Close
2010-06-29  19.000000  25.00  17.540001  23.889999  18766300  23.889999
2010-06-30  25.790001  30.42  23.299999  23.830000  17187100  23.830000
2010-07-01  25.000000  25.92  20.270000  21.959999   8218800  21.959999
2010-07-02  23.000000  23.10  18.709999  19.200001   5139800  19.200001
2010-07-06  20.000000  20.00  15.830000  16.110001   6866900  16.110001




In [11]: df['100ma'] = df['Adj Close'].rolling(window=100, min_periods=0).mean()

In [12]: df.head()
                 Open   High        Low      Close    Volume  Adj Close  \
2010-06-29  19.000000  25.00  17.540001  23.889999  18766300  23.889999   
2010-06-30  25.790001  30.42  23.299999  23.830000  17187100  23.830000   
2010-07-01  25.000000  25.92  20.270000  21.959999   8218800  21.959999   
2010-07-02  23.000000  23.10  18.709999  19.200001   5139800  19.200001   
2010-07-06  20.000000  20.00  15.830000  16.110001   6866900  16.110001   

2010-06-29  23.889999  
2010-06-30  23.860000  
2010-07-01  23.226666  
2010-07-02  22.220000  
2010-07-06  20.998000  

In [13]: ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((6,1), (0,0), rowspan=5, colspan=1)

In [14]: ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((6,1), (5,0), rowspan=1, colspan=1, sharex=ax1)

In [15]: ax1.plot(df.index, df['Adj Close'])
Out[15]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0xb9c5c88>]

In [16]: ax1.plot(df.index, df['100ma'])
Out[16]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0xb463f98>]

In [17]: ax2.bar(df.index, df['Volume'])
Out[17]: <Container object of 1640 artists>

In [18]: plt.show()


<Python, pandas> 縦にずらす。


In [22]: df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3,4,5,6]})

In [23]: df
0  1
1  2
2  3
3  4
4  5
5  6

In [24]: df.shift(-1)
0  2.0
1  3.0
2  4.0
3  5.0
4  6.0
5  NaN

In [25]: df.shift(1)
0  NaN
1  1.0
2  2.0
3  3.0
4  4.0
5  5.0



In [26]: df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])

In [27]: df
   0  1  2
0  1  2  3
1  4  5  6

In [28]: df.shift(-1,axis=1)
     0    1   2
0  2.0  3.0 NaN
1  5.0  6.0 NaN

In [29]: df.shift(-1,axis=0)
     0    1    2
0  4.0  5.0  6.0
1  NaN  NaN  NaN



pandas.DataFrame.shift — pandas 0.19.2 documentation

<Python, numpy> 無限大

知ってましたか? pythonで無限大は、np.infか、float('inf')で表現するらしいっす。

In [1]: float('inf')
Out[1]: inf

In [2]: float('inf') == 0
Out[2]: False

In [3]: float('inf') < 1
Out[3]: False

In [4]: float('inf') > 1
Out[4]: True

In [5]: import numpy as np

In [6]: np.inf
Out[6]: inf

In [7]: float('inf') == np.inf
Out[7]: True

In [8]: np.inf < 50000000 * 500000000
Out[8]: False

In [9]: -np.inf
Out[9]: -inf

In [10]: -np.inf < 0
Out[10]: True

In [11]: type(np.inf)
Out[11]: float

In [12]: np.isinf(np.inf)
Out[12]: True

In [13]: np.isinf(float('inf'))
Out[13]: True


numpy.isinf — NumPy v1.12 Manual


In [14]: 0 / np.inf
Out[14]: 0.0

In [15]: np.inf / np.inf
Out[15]: nan

In [16]: 1 / np.inf
Out[16]: 0.0

In [17]: np.inf - np.inf
Out[17]: nan

In [18]: 1 * np.inf
Out[18]: inf

In [19]: 0 * np.inf
Out[19]: nan

In [20]: np.inf * np.inf
Out[20]: inf

<Python, pandas> 日経平均を読み込む。


pandas-datareader — pandas-datareader 0.1 documentation


 % conda install pandas-datareader
Fetching package metadata .........
Solving package specifications: ..........

Package plan for installation in environment C:\Anaconda3:

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    requests-file-1.4.1        |           py35_0           6 KB
    pandas-datareader-0.2.1    |           py35_0          49 KB
                                           Total:          55 KB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    pandas-datareader: 0.2.1-py35_0
    requests-file:     1.4.1-py35_0

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Fetching packages ...
requests-file- 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 829.29 kB/s
pandas-datarea 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00   1.85 MB/s
Extracting packages ...
[      COMPLETE      ]|##################################################| 100%
Linking packages ...
[      COMPLETE      ]|##################################################| 100%


In [1]: import pandas_datareader.data as web

In [2]: import datetime

In [3]: s = datetime.datetime(2010,1,1)

In [4]: e = datetime.datetime(2013,1,1)

In [5]: web.DataReader('F', 'yahoo', s, e)
             Open   High    Low  Close     Volume  Adj Close
2010-01-04  10.17  10.28  10.05  10.28   60855800   8.554412
2010-01-05  10.45  11.24  10.40  10.96  215620200   9.120268
2010-01-06  11.21  11.46  11.13  11.37  200070600   9.461446
2010-01-07  11.46  11.69  11.32  11.66  130201700   9.702767
2010-01-08  11.67  11.74  11.46  11.69  130463000   9.727731
2010-01-11  11.90  12.14  11.78  12.11  170626200  10.077230
2010-01-12  11.98  12.03  11.72  11.87  162995900   9.877516
2010-01-13  11.91  11.93  11.47  11.68  154527100   9.719410
2010-01-14  11.65  11.86  11.51  11.76  116531200   9.785981
2010-01-15  11.74  11.76  11.55  11.60   96149800   9.652838
2010-01-19  11.51  11.83  11.46  11.75   65934000   9.777659
2010-01-20  11.68  11.69  11.50  11.51   71649500   9.577946
2010-01-21  11.53  11.62  11.01  11.18  121451400   9.303339
2010-01-22  11.01  11.12  10.41  10.52  161530100   8.754126
2010-01-25  10.73  11.10  10.61  11.03  121621500   9.178517
2010-01-26  11.17  11.46  11.07  11.19  108250500   9.311660
2010-01-27  11.57  11.62  11.22  11.55  105091600   9.611231
2010-01-28  11.90  11.95  11.27  11.41  203320000   9.494731
2010-01-29  11.60  11.61  10.70  10.84  159741200   9.020411
2010-02-01  11.14  11.18  10.93  11.12   82748200   9.253410
2010-02-02  11.26  11.52  11.19  11.39  119714900   9.478089
2010-02-03  11.49  11.66  11.42  11.64   90125500   9.686124
2010-02-04  11.49  11.53  11.00  11.06  129792200   9.203482
2010-02-05  10.97  11.11  10.49  10.91  181535200   9.078661
2010-02-08  11.09  11.32  10.88  10.97   92031400   9.128589
2010-02-09  11.18  11.22  11.02  11.15   83207100   9.278374
2010-02-10  11.12  11.14  10.90  10.94   73395600   9.103625
2010-02-11  11.00  11.19  10.88  11.18   65116200   9.303339
2010-02-12  10.92  11.18  10.85  11.12   69465400   9.253410
2010-02-16  11.21  11.38  11.11  11.32   62537500   9.419838
...           ...    ...    ...    ...        ...        ...
2012-11-16  10.58  10.64  10.38  10.50   45346200   8.900635
2012-11-19  10.65  10.90  10.65  10.83   39359100   9.180370
2012-11-20  10.85  11.02  10.76  10.85   34739800   9.197323
2012-11-21  10.84  11.00  10.80  10.92   21181700   9.256661
2012-11-23  10.98  11.10  10.96  11.10   16032200   9.409243
2012-11-26  11.05  11.14  10.97  11.11   26831700   9.417720
2012-11-27  11.10  11.27  11.10  11.10   37610000   9.409243
2012-11-28  11.05  11.26  10.98  11.25   38496900   9.536395
2012-11-29  11.32  11.53  11.32  11.53   57289300   9.773745
2012-11-30  11.52  11.60  11.33  11.45   41329600   9.705931
2012-12-03  11.56  11.70  11.40  11.41   47746300   9.672024
2012-12-04  11.40  11.44  11.23  11.31   37760200   9.587256
2012-12-05  11.32  11.40  11.18  11.31   33152400   9.587256
2012-12-06  11.26  11.31  11.19  11.24   31065800   9.527918
2012-12-07  11.27  11.50  11.26  11.48   38404500   9.731361
2012-12-10  11.41  11.53  11.41  11.47   26025200   9.722885
2012-12-11  11.51  11.58  11.40  11.49   36326900   9.739838
2012-12-12  11.52  11.56  11.43  11.47   31099900   9.722885
2012-12-13  11.46  11.50  11.21  11.27   35443200   9.553349
2012-12-14  11.27  11.27  11.03  11.10   36933500   9.409243
2012-12-17  11.16  11.41  11.14  11.39   46983300   9.655070
2012-12-18  11.48  11.68  11.40  11.67   61810400   9.892420
2012-12-19  11.79  11.85  11.62  11.73   54884700   9.943281
2012-12-20  11.74  11.80  11.58  11.77   47750100   9.977189
2012-12-21  11.55  11.86  11.47  11.86   94489300  10.053479
2012-12-24  11.67  12.40  11.67  12.40   91734900  10.511226
2012-12-26  12.31  12.79  12.31  12.79  140331900  10.841821
2012-12-27  12.79  12.81  12.36  12.76  108315100  10.816391
2012-12-28  12.55  12.88  12.52  12.87   95668600  10.909636
2012-12-31  12.88  13.08  12.76  12.95  106908900  10.977450

[754 rows x 6 columns]


In [9]: from pandas_datareader.data import get_data_yahoo

In [11]: get_data_yahoo(symbols='^N225', start=s)
                    Open          High           Low         Close  Volume  \
2010-01-04  10609.339844  10694.490234  10608.139648  10654.790039  104400   
2010-01-05  10719.440430  10791.040039  10655.570312  10681.830078  166200   
2010-01-06  10709.549805  10768.610352  10661.169922  10731.450195  181800   
2010-01-07  10742.750000  10774.000000  10636.669922  10681.660156  182600   
2010-01-08  10743.299805  10816.450195  10677.559570  10798.320312  211800   
2010-01-12  10770.349609  10905.389648  10763.679688  10879.139648  192800   
2010-01-13  10795.480469  10866.620117  10729.860352  10735.030273  250000   
2010-01-14  10778.070312  10909.940430  10774.250000  10907.679688  267400   
2010-01-15  10917.410156  10982.099609  10878.830078  10982.099609  253000   
2010-01-18  10887.610352  10895.099609  10781.030273  10855.080078  186600   
2010-01-19  10866.830078  10866.830078  10749.469727  10764.900391  174600   
2010-01-20  10834.910156  10860.929688  10724.570312  10737.519531  146400   
2010-01-21  10704.790039  10886.639648  10649.839844  10868.410156  176800   
2010-01-22  10740.209961  10768.070312  10528.330078  10590.549805  187400   
2010-01-25  10478.309570  10557.639648  10414.580078  10512.690430  139800   
2010-01-26  10506.150391  10566.490234  10324.980469  10325.280273  175400   
2010-01-27  10344.070312  10373.820312  10252.080078  10252.080078  139400   
2010-01-28  10309.730469  10462.700195  10296.980469  10414.290039  168000   
2010-01-29  10308.049805  10324.370117  10198.040039  10198.040039  156800   
2010-02-01  10212.360352  10224.830078  10129.910156  10205.019531  162000   
2010-02-02  10310.980469  10396.480469  10287.740234  10371.089844  142000   
2010-02-03  10428.120117  10436.519531  10356.030273  10404.330078  154200   
2010-02-04  10434.519531  10438.410156  10279.570312  10355.980469  164600   
2010-02-05  10162.339844  10166.299805  10036.330078  10057.089844  172000   
2010-02-08  10007.469727  10063.530273   9942.049805   9951.820312  137400   
2010-02-09   9876.610352   9956.790039   9867.389648   9932.900391  135000   
2010-02-10  10024.259766  10049.870117   9963.990234   9963.990234  127000   
2010-02-12  10085.349609  10099.459961  10014.500000  10092.190430  136000   
2010-02-15  10097.820312  10119.469727  10012.530273  10013.299805   97400   
2010-02-16  10044.530273  10062.269531  10019.429688  10034.250000   87000   
...                  ...           ...           ...           ...     ...   
2016-11-10  16562.859375  17393.820312   1560.660034  17344.419922  222500   
2016-11-11  17526.609375  17621.730469  17333.490234  17374.789062  241800   
2016-11-14  17467.490234  17697.330078  17455.779297  17672.619141       0   
2016-11-15  17668.150391  17668.150391  17668.150391  17668.150391       0   
2016-11-16  17832.509766  17886.439453  17807.470703  17862.210938  194300   
2016-11-17  17766.609375  17884.060547  17764.080078  17862.630859       0   
2016-11-18  18024.210938  18043.720703  17967.410156  17967.410156  161800   
2016-11-21  18038.089844  18129.029297  18007.789062  18106.019531       0   
2016-11-22  18091.050781  18175.630859  18050.550781  18162.939453  118200   
2016-11-24  18329.779297  18382.720703  18310.310547  18333.410156  144900   
2016-11-25  18387.589844  18482.939453  18288.500000  18381.220703  160000   
2016-11-28  18302.580078  18374.929688  18222.820312  18356.890625       0   
2016-11-29  18263.630859  18327.509766  18258.820312  18307.039062  121800   
2016-11-30  18356.029297  18370.310547  18280.660156  18308.480469       0   
2016-12-01  18535.240234  18746.279297  18469.269531  18513.119141  182400   
2016-12-02  18435.550781  18469.679688  18315.380859  18426.080078  191300   
2016-12-05  18349.919922  18365.740234  18227.390625  18274.990234  130500   
2016-12-06  18457.199219  18484.800781  18318.990234  18360.539062  154000   
2016-12-07  18434.539062  18502.470703  18410.880859  18496.689453  151700   
2016-12-08  18674.189453  18765.470703  18614.009766  18765.470703       0   
2016-12-09  18839.980469  19042.480469  18821.410156  18996.369141  212300   
2016-12-12  19183.820312  19280.929688  19054.000000  19155.029297       0   
2016-12-13  19120.759766  19253.509766  19060.720703  19250.519531       0   
2016-12-14  19270.009766  19284.279297  19184.750000  19253.609375       0   
2016-12-15  19327.699219  19436.900391  19192.599609  19273.789062       0   
2016-12-16  19438.390625  19439.970703  19360.359375  19401.150391  148700   
2016-12-19  19345.839844  19399.259766  19307.140625  19391.599609  106000   
2016-12-20  19367.839844  19511.199219  19356.810547  19494.529297  119600   
2016-12-21  19547.279297  19592.900391  19375.189453  19444.490234       0   
2016-12-22  19396.849609  19427.669922  19327.509766  19427.669922  113500   

               Adj Close  
2010-01-04  10654.790039  
2010-01-05  10681.830078  
2010-01-06  10731.450195  
2010-01-07  10681.660156  
2010-01-08  10798.320312  
2010-01-12  10879.139648  
2010-01-13  10735.030273  
2010-01-14  10907.679688  
2010-01-15  10982.099609  
2010-01-18  10855.080078  
2010-01-19  10764.900391  
2010-01-20  10737.519531  
2010-01-21  10868.410156  
2010-01-22  10590.549805  
2010-01-25  10512.690430  
2010-01-26  10325.280273  
2010-01-27  10252.080078  
2010-01-28  10414.290039  
2010-01-29  10198.040039  
2010-02-01  10205.019531  
2010-02-02  10371.089844  
2010-02-03  10404.330078  
2010-02-04  10355.980469  
2010-02-05  10057.089844  
2010-02-08   9951.820312  
2010-02-09   9932.900391  
2010-02-10   9963.990234  
2010-02-12  10092.190430  
2010-02-15  10013.299805  
2010-02-16  10034.250000  
...                  ...  
2016-11-10  17344.419922  
2016-11-11  17374.789062  
2016-11-14  17672.619141  
2016-11-15  17668.150391  
2016-11-16  17862.210938  
2016-11-17  17862.630859  
2016-11-18  17967.410156  
2016-11-21  18106.019531  
2016-11-22  18162.939453  
2016-11-24  18333.410156  
2016-11-25  18381.220703  
2016-11-28  18356.890625  
2016-11-29  18307.039062  
2016-11-30  18308.480469  
2016-12-01  18513.119141  
2016-12-02  18426.080078  
2016-12-05  18274.990234  
2016-12-06  18360.539062  
2016-12-07  18496.689453  
2016-12-08  18765.470703  
2016-12-09  18996.369141  
2016-12-12  19155.029297  
2016-12-13  19250.519531  
2016-12-14  19253.609375  
2016-12-15  19273.789062  
2016-12-16  19401.150391  
2016-12-19  19391.599609  
2016-12-20  19494.529297  
2016-12-21  19444.490234  
2016-12-22  19427.669922  

[1726 rows x 6 columns]


In [12]: df = get_data_yahoo(symbols='^N225', start=s)

In [16]: df['Close'].plot()
Out[16]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x270c6670358>

In [17]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [18]: plt.show()

